Many who are diagnosed with osteoarthritis will experience joint stiffness that is prominent in the morning. This article will discuss what factors contribute to this and what can be done to help manage these symptoms.
Osteoarthritis and Aging
As we age, the tissues inside our joints change. The cartilage that lines the end of the bones at a joint can become damaged from wear and tear. The structures in the joint that produce synovial fluid – a fluid that provides lubrication and nutrients to the tissues in the joint – become less efficient with age as well. Overnight, synovial fluid saturation of the cartilage decreases. Additionally, swelling can occur and muscles may become tighter due to the limited motion. All of these factors can contribute to joint stiffness in the morning.
How Can I Reduce Morning Stiffness and Pain
While morning stiffness is common in those with osteoarthritis, some steps can be taken to reduce these symptoms. Movement, such as active range of motion of the knee for example, can help to warm up the muscles surrounding the joint and promote improved synovial fluid saturation of the articular cartilage. This will help to improve lubrication of the joint and improve joint stiffness symptoms. General stretching of the muscles around the joint can help to improve their flexibility to limit their contribution to feelings of stiffness as well.
What Else Can Be Done About Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis can be limiting for many people. It can prevent a person from participating in recreational activities and make daily activities more difficult to perform. While joint replacements and surgical interventions can result in less pain and improved function, engaging in physical therapy can help to effectively manage symptoms in a less invasive manner. Strengthening, stretching, and manual therapeutic techniques can all be implemented to reduce pain, improve range of motion and allow for easier completion of daily activities.
If you or a family member are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, physical therapy can help to better manage this condition. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists to get back to your life without the aches and pains. 
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